Wednesday: 10-4 Thursday: 10-6 Friday-Saturday: 10-4 Sunday: 12-4

Viola pedata


Bird’s Foot Violet is a low growing perennial in the Violaceae family. It is considered by many
gardeners to be one of the more difficult violets to grow, and unlike most violets it prefers full
sun. Light blueish-purple flowers bloom sometime between March and May, and sometimes
again in autumn. Bird’s Foot Violet makes a great addition to pathways, rock gardens, and fairy gardens. The most important thing to remember when growing this plant is that it doesn’t like to be too wet, and crown rot may occur with overwatering.

Key Info

Scientific Name: Viola pedata
Common Names: Bird's Foot Violet
Family Names:
Light Requirement:
Moisture Requirement: ,
Leaf Retention:
Bloom Times: , ,
Flower Color: Blue, purple, white

Additional Info

Habit: Clumping
Height: 4" - 8"
Spread: 4" - 8"
Soil Conditions: Sandy to clay loam, neutral to acidic
Leaves: Silvery green, deeply lobed, bird foot appearance
Fruit: May-June, Capsules containing sugary seeds are dispersed by ants
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Wildlife Connections: Host plant for Fritillary butterfly
Propagation: Seed, root cutting