Wednesday: 10-4 Thursday: 10-6 Friday-Saturday: 10-4 Sunday: 12-4

Trillium cuneatum


Sweet Betsy’s Trillium is a spring ephemeral in the Trilliaceae family. It prefers part to full
shade, and moist well-drained soils. It has large ovate leaves and green, burgundy to maroon
flowers. Sweet Betsy’s Trillium is a great addition to any rock garden, shade garden, or
woodland garden.

Key Info

Scientific Name: Trillium cuneatum
Common Names: Sweet Betsy's Trillium
Family Names:
Light Requirement: , ,
Moisture Requirement:
Leaf Retention:
Bloom Times: , ,
Flower Color: Red, burgundy, green

Additional Info

Habit: Stout, erect
Height: 1' - 1.5'
Spread: 9" - 12"
Soil Conditions: Organic rich soils
Leaves: Ovate, whorled, showy
Flowers (or reproductive structures: Fragrant
Fruit: Berry-like capsules, seeds dispersed by ants, May-June
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Pollination: Bees and moths
Wildlife Connections: Small mammals eat the berries
Propagation: Division, seed