Wednesday: 10-4 Thursday: 10-6 Friday-Saturday: 10-4 Sunday: 12-4

Rhynchospora colorata


Narrowleaf Whitetop Sedge is an evergreen, grass-like perennial native to North America. It is
typically found in coastal areas, dunes, swales, and ditches. It tolerates a variety of soil types,
although it does prefer for conditions to be particularly moist to wet. It can grow in full sun to
part shade and its showy, white bracts are distinct and long lasting. It is a great addition to any
wet areas in the landscape, edges of ponds, or around water features. It is deer resistant and
attractive to many pollinators.

Key Info

Scientific Name: Rhynchospora colorata
Common Names: Narrowleaf Whitetop Sedge
Plant Type:
Light Requirement: ,
Moisture Requirement:
Leaf Retention:
Bloom Times: , , ,
Flower Color: White
Special Characteristics:

Additional Info

Habit: Grass, wide bracts
Height: 1' - 2'
Spread: 2' - 3'
Soil Conditions: Clay, loam, sand, good drainage
Leaves: Simple, alternate
Flowers (or reproductive structures: Cone shaped white flowers with green tips
Fruit: Achene that displays through Fall
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7-10
USDA Wetland Indicator Status in NC: FACW
Pollination: Songbirds, bees, butterflies
Wildlife Connections: Attracts small mammals, songbirds, pollinators
Propagation: Rhizomatous