Wednesday: 10-4 Thursday: 10-6 Friday-Saturday: 10-4 Sunday: 12-4

Physostegia virginiana


Obedient Plant is a perennial in the Lamiaceae family that you may want to consider if you
have a particularly wet area in your garden. Pink, lavender, or white tubular flowers in clusters
will grace your garden in late summer to fall. Obedient Plant loves a full sun to part sun area,
making it a good addition to bog gardens. It is also a great plant to consider for borders in rain or cottage gardens. If you enjoy the aesthetic value of foxgloves, this is a great alternative that is native to North Carolina.

Key Info

Scientific Name: Physostegia virginiana
Common Names: Obedient Plant
Light Requirement: ,
Moisture Requirement: ,
Leaf Retention:
Bloom Times: , , ,
Flower Color: Pink, lavender, white
Special Characteristics:

Additional Info

Habit: Clumping, erect, multi-stemmed
Height: 3' - 4'
Spread: 2' - 3'
Soil Conditions: Alkaline, neutral
Leaves: Green, smooth to touch, opposite, lanceolate, doubly serrate
Flowers (or reproductive structures: Lipped, tubular
USDA Hardiness Zone: 2-9
Wildlife Connections: Attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds
Propagation: Division, seed