Wednesday: 10-4 Thursday: 10-6 Friday-Saturday: 10-4 Sunday: 12-4

Meehania cordata


Meehan’s Mint is a deciduous perennial vine in the Lamiaceae family. Its creeping habit makes
it a great groundcover or green mulch, and it would do well in a shaded pathway. This flower
blooms in late spring through early summer with light purple blooms. This species prefers to be in a shadier area, but can handle more sun as long as the soil is kept moist.

Key Info

Scientific Name: Meehania cordata
Common Names: Meehan's Mint
Light Requirement: ,
Moisture Requirement:
Leaf Retention:
Bloom Times: , ,
Flower Color: Purple
Special Characteristics:

Additional Info

Habit: Creeping
Height: 6" - 10"
Spread: 12" - 15"
Soil Conditions: High organic matter
Leaves: Heart shaped, opposite
Fruit: Nutlets
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Propagation: Stem cutting