‘Blue Arrow’ is a cultivar of Eastern Red Cedar, an evergreen tree of wide variability in form, seen on roadsides and hedgerows throughout the eastern U.S. ‘Blue Arrow’ was selected to provide a reliable, vertical evergreen accent in a more formal landscape. Red Cedar (the species) is dioecious, with seed cones (female) and pollen cones (male) occurring on separate trees. ‘Blue Arrow’, however, is a clone of a female selection, and has the bluish, waxy, berry-like seed cones of the female Red Cedar. The foliage is reliably bluish green and rich, and aromatic, and can easily host birds looking for cover or for nesting habitat or for nourishing seeds. All individuals are of the same genetic make-up and thus are predictably 12-15 feet tall x 1.5-2 feet across at maturity, and are useful wherever a vertical, evergreen (native) accent is needed in the landscape. Since selections do not have a natural plant distribution, the USDA distribution map linked below is for the species.