Wednesday: 10-4 Thursday: 10-6 Friday-Saturday: 10-4 Sunday: 12-4

Fragaria virginiana


Wild Strawberry is a semi-evergreen groundcover in the Rosaceae family. It blooms in early
spring, showing white flowers that will become edible berries by the end of the summer.
Although it can handle occasionally dry soil, it prefers moist well-drained soils. Wild
Strawberry, like others in the Fragaria genus, support the rose miner bee (Andrena
melanochroa.) This creeping plant makes a great addition to edible gardens, slopes, and can
handle being in a container well.

Key Info

Scientific Name: Fragaria virginiana
Common Names: Wild Strawberry
Family Names:
Light Requirement: ,
Moisture Requirement: ,
Leaf Retention:
Bloom Times: ,
Flower Color: White
Special Characteristics:

Additional Info

Habit: Creeping, spreading
Height: 4" - 9"
Spread: 1' - 2'
Soil Conditions: Clay, loam, silt, high organic matter
Leaves: Green, velvety, obovate, alternate, hairy
Flowers (or reproductive structures: 4-5 petals, smaller than an inch in size
Fruit: Red berries in summer
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9
Wildlife Connections: Supports a specialized bee (Andrena melanochroa)
Propagation: Division