If you think the outrageous color of Beautyberries is as much fun as we do, do not hesitate to grow this loosely open shrub on your property. It is robust and trouble-free, spectacular to look at, and attracts all manner of butterflies and birds. At the same time, it is highly recommended as a tick repellent! How desirable can one plant get? Some folks let it go completely, especially in a partial shade location, and it can become quite a presence (six feet x six feet), but most prune it back when the birds have had their feast of berries, to control its top growth. Some even cut it to 12-18 inches from the ground each season, with no negative consequences as its tiny pink blossoms emerge on the new growth. It thrives in full sun, and flowering and fruiting are best in high light. This plant is a gift to the beginner as well as to the experienced gardener. It occurs in woods, swamps and stream banks of the Southeastern U.S. from Virginia to Florida, West to Texas.