Wednesday: 10-4 Thursday: 10-6 Friday-Saturday: 10-4 Sunday: 12-4

Baptisia alba


White Wild Indigo is a long-lived perennial in the Fabaceae family. In late spring, white pea-
like blooms appear, followed by puffy bean pods in summer through early fall. As with many
legumes, this plant can handle poor soils, and dry conditions. White Wild Indigo is a host plant
for the Zarucco Duskywing and Wild Indigo Duskywing.

Key Info

Scientific Name: Baptisia alba
Common Names: White Wild Indigo
Protected Plant Species: Yes
Light Requirement: ,
Moisture Requirement: ,
Leaf Retention:
Bloom Times: ,
Flower Color: White
Special Characteristics: ,

Additional Info

Habit: Clumping, erect, spreading
Height: 2' - 4'
Spread: 2' - 2.5'
Soil Conditions: Dry
Leaves: Blue-green, compound, alternate, trifolate. Turn black when dry.
Flowers (or reproductive structures: Pea-shaped flowers
Fruit: Black/brown bean pods appear June-October
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Wildlife Connections: Host for Zarucco Duskywint (Erynnis zarucco) and Wild Indigo Duskywing (Erynnis baptisiae)
Propagation: Seed