Wednesday: 10-4 Thursday: 10-6 Friday-Saturday: 10-4 Sunday: 12-4

Athyrium felix-femina

Athyrium filix-femina, commonly called lady fern, is a deciduous fern that features lacy-cut, erect or ascending, light green fronds which grow in a dense circular shuttlecock-like clump to 2-3′ tall.  This is a circumglobal species which is found in rich moist woods, thickets, fields, meadows and ravines throughout northern North America, Europe and Asia.

Easy to grow; vigorous; forms dense clumps; spreads rapidly; protect from strong wind, since fronds are easily broken; prefers shade but will adopt to sun with adequate moisture; erect rhizome. This plant is seldom damaged by deer.

Key Info

Common Names: Lady Fern, Asplenium Lady Fern, Common Lady Fern, Subarctic Lady Fern, Tatting Fern
Family Names:
Plant Type:
Light Requirement: ,
Moisture Requirement:
Leaf Retention:

Additional Info

Height: 1'-3'
Spread: 2'-3'