Wednesday: 10-4 Thursday: 10-6 Friday-Saturday: 10-4 Sunday: 12-4

Andropogon ternarius

Splitbeard Bluestem is an attractive grass that adds great winter texture to any garden, especially for the southern gardener. Native to open fields in the South, Splitbeard Bluestem is happiest in full sun, hot temperatures and poor soils. It can grow up to three feet tall with a spread of one to two feet. In the summer the grass is a deep blue-green color, then in early fall, fluffy silver seedheads sparkle in the sun and can often last into winter. The tufted tops are divided in the center giving it the “split beard”. Splitbeard Bluestem is a beautiful addition as a specimen in gardens (do not fertilize it) or on hillsides, in meadows and prairies. Like many native grasses, it is deeply rooted and drought tolerant.

Key Info

Common Names: Splitbeard Bluestem, Splitbeard Broomsedge, Paintbrush Bluestem
Plant Type:
Light Requirement: ,
Moisture Requirement: , ,

Additional Info

Height: 1'-4'
Spread: 2'