Wednesday – Saturday: 10-4, Sunday: 12-4

Tolerant of Black Walnut

Tolerant of Black Walnut

Viola sororia

  Common Blue Violet is a semievergreen short lived perennial in the Violaceae family. This plant readily self-seeds, making it a good groundcover. It also handles a bit of foot traffic, so can also be considered as a lawn alternative. The leaves and flowers are edible, and can be eaten raw…

Bouteloua gracilis

  Blue Grama is a warm-season grass in the Poaceae family. It can get anywhere from six inches to two feet tall and is very drought resistant, but it will use less water if let grown taller, as it provides shade. It is one of the most drought tolerant grasses, as…

Eurybia divaricata

White Wood Aster is a two foot-tall, rhizomatous, drought-tolerant herbaceous perennial which grows in open, dry woods and shady clearings in much of the Eastern U.S., including many mountain and piedmont couties in NC. This plant lights up shady, dry woodland sites with delicate white daisy-like flowers from September to November.…